Thursday, August 11, 2011

One of Those Weeks

Oh, it's been an emotional week around here.  Maybe you read about my encounter with Officer Charles . . .  I've had some sleepless nights with stomach problems.  It just hasn't been one of those wonderful weeks you always want to remember.

I figured out one reason I've been so emotional is that our Little Guy is going to Kindergarten.  Now, you're probably thinking this would be a no-brainer - of course, I'd know that - with the first day of school being a week and a half away.  While I'm usually pretty in tune with other people's emotions, I'm not always the most aware of my own.

I mean how could this little peanut . . .
be ready for Kindergarten?

Well, such is life . . . I know in my heart that he'll be fine.  He loves school, but I will miss him.  I'm sad to not spend the better part of the day with him.  I worry about his transition.  He still naps some days.  Oh, how I can worry.  I have questions like - Will he make friends?  Will he be picked on?  Will he feel alone and scared?  Did we make the wrong decision sending him to public school?

I was talking with a wise person who correctly said, "you're having trouble letting go of control." It's true.  I want to be there to wipe every tear and beat up any mean kids, but I can't.  That's not life.  Control is an illusion.  So, now, like we have to do all the time as parents, I have to surrender him to Someone who is in control.  If I'm there to wipe every tear and kiss every boo boo and solve every problem,  he'll never see that he needs Jesus.

Ah, but easier said than done.  I am choosing to be strong for him.  He needs to know that I believe in him and that I am "for" him and that I know he will be fine.  And he will.

On a sunnier note, I wanted to share some cute pics from the week . . .

She sat there and ate 2 lemons, crazy girl!

I couldn't help but laugh at this picture and think of Lily Tomlin playing "Edith Ann"


  1. like like like! TOTALLY relate my friend! Although my kindergartener is the one who is worried, so I'm feeling better as the truths of reassurance coming out of my mouth to her thankfully land in my own ears as well. :)
    love the rocking chair pic! I didn't know that was a SNL sketch! I know her from Sesame Street. :)
    p.s. H used to love to eat lemons too and our pedi friend told us that they dissolve teeth enamel and to not let her suck on them. Boo. It would always entertain her in the restaurants.

  2. I can only imagine what you are feeling! I can picture myself thinking the same things. Great job sharing your thoughts.

  3. is so full of these moments of letting go, but never easy...I have felt so similarly with my medium guy (he's not so little anymore)...thanks for reminding me of these truths today. I needed it!! Love you and have a great beginning to being a "school mom". :)

  4. I just felt normal reading this... I'm not sending any of my daughters to kindergarten quite yet, but I is going to preschool 3 days a week and I know I'm going to cry dropping her off the first day...
