Our Family

I was born just up the road from Sarah in Bristol, VA. I loved to play sports as a child and I’m an Eagle Scout, so I love the outdoors. I really enjoy swimming and swam competetively in high school. I still love to hike and camp as well. It’s fun being in God’s creation. Now that we’re in Florida, His creation looks a lot different than the mountains of Virginia, but now I get to enjoy the beach and have gotten into running Triathlons!
One of my other loves began as I grew up in Bristol where there’s a NASCAR track and by being around my Dad who loves racing. I am an avid NASCAR fan! I even got to drive one 146 mph at Daytona a couple years ago! Jeff Gordon is my favorite driver and I love to go to races whenever I get the chance, which isn’t as often as I’d like.
Since I graduated from Virginia Tech and served on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ there for 5 years, I’m also a Hokie through and through. I always have a great time pulling for the Hokies every fall! Let’s go Hokies!!!

I'm Sarah.  I'm a wife to Blair and a mom to 2 kiddos.  I grew up in a small town in Virginia called Gate City.  I'm a Virginia Tech Hokie class of 2000, but lived in Blacksburg for 11 years with the privilege of talking with students about Jesus.  Now, we're way down South, and our children will say they're from Florida, which will be rare in almost all circles!  I love Orlando - the city, the weather, Mickey Mouse.  It's home now.  We are on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ.
As my son said in his mother's day preschool project this year, mommy's favorite thing to do is buy groceries.  Although it may seem that way to him, there are other things I prefer like spending time having quality conversation.  If I need to get out of the house as all moms do at some point, I like to run, Jazzercise, as of recently - Yoga.  You can sometimes find me at the mall or Target or any type of store.  I like movies, love books, enjoy baking.

"Little Guy"

Our Little Guy just turned 8.  He is sweet, sensitive, and creative.  He likes building with legos, coloring, playing baseball, swimming, playing with friends and being wherever we are.  Quality time speaks the most to him.  He does well in school but he'd rather be home with his family.  He's a wonderful big brother and has a blast playing with his little sister.  As part of our church's baby dedication we chose life verses for our kids.  It's something that sums up what we want to be true of them as they get older.  As I mentioned before, our Little Guy is sensitive and can struggle with insecurity, so we chose for him Deuteronomy 31:8, "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”  We'd love to have you pray that our Little Guy would know that the Lord is always with him and that would cause him to follow God with his whole heart.


"Sweet Girl"
Our Sweet Girl is 5 years old.  She lives up to her name in every way.  She has a heart of gold, loves her mommy and daddy, loves her big brother and friends.  She is incredibly generous and is always willing to share - even her ice cream - with others.  She also has a mind that's all her own!  I try to be thankful for that knowing that could come in handy during the teen years :)  She is a cuddler, a hugger and is our little princess.  You'll often find her playing dress up in fancy dresses.  We chose her verse because she loves people and we pray that will carry over into showing people the ultimate love by introducing them to Jesus.  It's Matthew 22:37-39, "Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  Please pray with us that Sweet Girl would love the Lord and people with all her heart.