Saturday, March 23, 2013

Stand 4 Freedom

Last Friday, I joined UCF students as they took shifts literally standing on their feet for 27 hours.  We did this to represent the estimated 27 Million people who are enslaved around the world. 

UCF was one of over 400 campuses across the country who participated in the Stand 4 Freedom campaign from March 5-15.  The IJM movement I've been coaching at UCF just started meeting this semester, yet they were able to gather enough people to fill the slots for all 27 hours! 

The event is geared to raise awareness about slavery and it did just that.  During the few hours I stood, I was able to have several good conversations with some people who were aware of the issue and others who were not.  Even more, one student I talked to, John, reminded me why a partnership between Cru and IJM can be so powerful. 

John came up to us asking what we were doing, so we told him.  He had recently heard about an anti-slavery movement started by a church that he felt was a bait and switch effort to try to get people to convert to Christianity without doing any real work to fight slavery.  He was happy to hear that IJM is an organization that is actively freeing slaves around the world. 

Since he knew that IJM is a legitimate organization, not just a group using a ruse of caring for the oppressed while hiding an ulterior motive, he stayed around for another minute or two.  As he did, we were able to explain that Christians are engaging in the fight because the Bible is clear that we are all made in God's image and He calls us to "do justice" and "love mercy." Then he sailed away on his skateboard.

With such disdain for religion, unless God does a miracle in John's life, he will never attend a Cru meeting or a church.  In order for Christians to reach him with the truth of the gospel, we must go to him and people like him.  Engaging in things that students like John care about is one way to bridge the gap.  As we do, we can have wonderful dialogues about the love of God.  That is why it is so crucial for all believers to "do justice" and "love mercy" and "give the reason for the hope that you have."  By doing so we show people a fuller picture of the God we follow.  It is why I love the partnership that Cru has with IJM!

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