Saturday, November 2, 2013

24 Rescued!

Awareness: The First Step to Freedom

Last week, authorities in South Florida rescued 24 Orlando kids ages 12-17 who were being forced to sell cheap items door-to-door.  They were dropped off alone in neighborhoods, picked up at the end of the night, and had every penny taken from them - all from an organization that claimed to be a charity!  Thankfully, these kids have been freed and their traffickers have been arrested thanks to people in the community who were aware of human trafficking and knew what to do. 

A friend of mine saw these children in Orlando just a few weeks ago, and he found it suspicious.  He got as much detail as possible and alerted law enforcement.  This began an investigation that eventually led to their freedom.  When law enforcement found them in South Florida, they were being transported in a single cargo van with plywood dividers blocking the doors to prevent their escape.  The threat of violence and being so far from home forced the children to comply with their traffickers’ demands.  This type of forced labor is becoming more common and happens right under our noses.  Thankfully, my friend knew what to do when he suspected something wasn’t right. 
 This is why one of the things we must do is raise awareness of the atrocity of modern-day slavery.  Last month, I had the opportunity to do just that by speaking to a high school of about 370 students.  These students need to know what is going on in their world both for their own protection and for the safety of their friends.  It was a privilege to share with them about slavery here and around the world and how they can keep themselves and their friends safe.  Many of them have become passionate about the issue and are continuing to learn how they can make a difference here and around the world.  

As our community becomes educated about the issue we all become equipped to make a difference in the lives of those being oppressed.  We take awareness seriously because it truly leads to freedom.  

For more details on the rescue, read the full article here.


Light Sabers and Candy
 These days, our home is filled with little Jedi.  Our son loves Star Wars and everything related to it from Star Wars Legos to Angry Birds Star Wars.  If it has Star Wars on it, he likes it.  

Our little princess has followed suit by adding Princess Leia to the Disney Princesses she loves.  So, it was no surprise when the two of them wanted to be the twins - Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia - for Halloween this year.  It was a fun night in our neighborhood with friends.  

The kids are doing well.  Our Princess is enjoying preschool and ballet while Little Man is having fun with soccer and Cub Scouts.  So they’re keeping us busy, but it’s worth it to see them growing and learning new things!


  • God bringing rescue to the 24 kids from Orlando last week
  • Opportunities to spread the word about human trafficking in area schools
  • The blessing of children
  • God’s faithfulness to us and our ministry
Prayer Requests
  • Healing for those who were rescued
  • God to move His people to act in fighting injustice around us
  • Our continued adoption process - we’re still waiting!
  • Our kids to grow in their love for Jesus